Mstsc Exe Admin Command

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  2. Business Intelligence

Sometimes we have to use this below command to use rdp to our old server 2003 domain. Mstsc /v:servername /admin I have ubuntu desktop with Remmina and i can use normal RDP login for most of the time using Remmina gui. But when i need to disable Remote Desktop Services client access licensing and force login, I use above command. I'm not sure Remmina can do the same or do I have to use a different client or this is impossible. Just wish to take advice, please help. I've tried googling and found, but not found exact thing what i look for. Often Im seeing below message, while trying to login to server 2003.


Mstsc Exe Admin Command

Then as its already suggested, by roaima, What i do is to use 'Attach to console' in the Advanced tab Above option should be equal to below windows command mstsc -v:servername /F -console Attach to console' in the Advanced tab achieves much more similar to this switch /admin as well. (Actually /console switch has been replaced by /admin switch in later operating systems such as windows 7, Server 2008 and Vista etc ) if you type mstsc /? In server 2003 command prompt you will see this and below is mstsc /? Results for windows 7 Check below for more details.


Business Intelligence

To connect to a remote computer the user account must be a member of the local group ' Remote Desktop. RDP/Terminal Services.) The command. This step-by-step article describes how to enable RestrictedAdmin mode for Remote Desktop. RestrictedAdmin mode prevents the transmission of reusable.

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