Palm Pilot Vx Program

Nov 10, 2017 How do I install Palm Pilot software on my new Windows 10 laptop? I do not have the original software disk. Next, how can I. An autonomous mode of operation of a Palm Pilot controlled robot is the topic of. And application of the robot controlled by Palm Vx- resident program are. Instructions for installing the 64. Your help with the information you provided to getting my Palm Desktop to synchronize with my Palm Tungsten E2 palm pilot on.


I purchased a Belkin F5U109 (N10117) device in 2003 that connects to the base Palm Vx holder's wires and converts to a USB/serial plug. I used this on my 32-bit Win XP Pro system for several years. At some point, I got an updated Palm driver and/or Palm OS (or Win XP had an update) and the Belkin device was no longer needed to sync with my 32-bit Win XP system.

I may have just added a 32-bit pci parallel card to my 32-bit Win XP system. However, the Belkin device never worked with my 64-bit Win VISTA laptop or my 64-bit, i7, Win 7 Pro desktop to allow a sync. I have the dates and addresses on my VISTA and Win 7 systems, and update as needed; then copy the files to my XP system and sync (that updates my palm with current info). Real cluncky.

I have never seen 'com' ports on either my VISTA laptop or my Win 7 system, and have yet to figure out how to make one show up'. Is there a 'new' Palm OS that might be the difference? All help appreciated.

Palm pilot vx pda

It does not function on Windows 7. This is why we switched to the USB adapter.

You can see it there and find it there as well as And no to your questions. If you don't get a new serial port adapter, it won't work. Sorry if it seems so hard at times. And remember that I am an author and maintainer of a few old PalmOS apps so if you need to have pictures of HotSync working on Windows 7, I can do that. But I wonder if you meant clunky bad of clucky good? Copying that folder over was about as simple as it gets for gear from this long ago.

Such things don't exist much anymore. The PDA market was basically swallowed whole by the smartphone market, and I suppose now the tablet market too. So what you might consider is first trying to find a way to export the data you have into a pretty common and universal format like CSV. Then, as strange as this may sound at first, look at something like an Android MP3 player.

Take the Samsung Galaxy 4.0 as an example: Yes it is sold as an MP3 player, but it's basically a smartphone without the expensive cellular service contract. It should already have a calendar and contacts app installed, so you can just ignore all the other functions of the device if you want.

Palm Pilot Vx Charger


It's honestly about as no-frills as you will find anymore and still get some kind of meaningful support from the manufacturer. There are probably plenty of slapdash devices pumped out by Chinese firms looking to make a quick buck on anyone stupid enough to buy the thing. The Galaxy 4.0 is just one example.

If you want a physical keyboard or something, you could probably find a few old Blackberry Curve's for sale pretty cheap. Just because it's a cell phone doesn't mean you have to have cellular service in order to use it for basic PIM functions.

I think there has to be a way! After all, it is running fine on my 64-bit HP desktop computer running under Windows 10. Youtube sap tutor.

Can I not find a way to copy it and install it on the new 64-bit laptop running under Windows 10? Since the software license is tied to the Palm handheld device, which I have, - and not a single computer - there should be no licensing problem in installing it on my second computer before the old desktop crashes! Is there a software download site from where I can download the application without risk of downloading it a virus along with it?

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