Wininet.dll Internetcrackurl

An implementation of (WinInet)InternetCrackUrl Started. DllCall(), wininet.dll. An implementation of (WinInet)InternetCrackUrl.

  1. What Is Wininet

HINTERNET InternetOpen( In LPCTSTR lpszAgent, In DWORD dwAccessType, In LPCTSTR lpszProxyName, In LPCTSTR lpszProxyBypass, In DWORD dwFlags ); Parameters lpszAgent in Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the application or entity calling the WinINet functions. This name is used as the user agent in the HTTP protocol.

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What Is Wininet

DwAccessType in Type of access required. This parameter can be one of the following values. Value Meaning INTERNETOPENTYPEDIRECT Resolves all host names locally. INTERNETOPENTYPEPRECONFIG Retrieves the proxy or direct configuration from the registry. INTERNETOPENTYPEPRECONFIGWITHNOAUTOPROXY Retrieves the proxy or direct configuration from the registry and prevents the use of a startup Microsoft JScript or Internet Setup (INS) file. INTERNETOPENTYPEPROXY Passes requests to the proxy unless a proxy bypass list is supplied and the name to be resolved bypasses the proxy.

In this case, the function uses INTERNETOPENTYPEDIRECT. LpszProxyName in Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the proxy server(s) to use when proxy access is specified by setting dwAccessType to INTERNETOPENTYPEPROXY. Do not use an empty string, because InternetOpen will use it as the proxy name. The WinINet functions recognize only CERN type proxies (HTTP only) and the TIS FTP gateway (FTP only). If Microsoft Internet Explorer is installed, these functions also support SOCKS proxies. FTP requests can be made through a CERN type proxy either by changing them to an HTTP request or by using.

If dwAccessType is not set to INTERNETOPENTYPEPROXY, this parameter is ignored and should be NULL. For more information about listing proxy servers, see the section of. LpszProxyBypass in Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies an optional list of host names or IP addresses, or both, that should not be routed through the proxy when dwAccessType is set to INTERNETOPENTYPEPROXY. The list can contain wildcards. Do not use an empty string, because InternetOpen will use it as the proxy bypass list. If this parameter specifies the ' macro, the function bypasses the proxy for any host name that does not contain a period. By default, WinINet will bypass the proxy for requests that use the host names 'localhost', 'loopback', '', or '::1'.

This behavior exists because a remote proxy server typically will not resolve these addresses properly. Internet Explorer 9: You can remove the local computer from the proxy bypass list using the ' macro.

If dwAccessType is not set to INTERNETOPENTYPEPROXY, this parameter is ignored and should be NULL. DwFlags in Options. This parameter can be a combination of the following values.

Value Meaning INTERNETFLAGASYNC Makes only asynchronous requests on handles descended from the handle returned from this function. INTERNETFLAGFROMCACHE Does not make network requests. All entities are returned from the cache. If the requested item is not in the cache, a suitable error, such as ERRORFILENOTFOUND, is returned.

INTERNETFLAGOFFLINE Identical to INTERNETFLAGFROMCACHE. Does not make network requests.

All entities are returned from the cache. If the requested item is not in the cache, a suitable error, such as ERRORFILENOTFOUND, is returned. Return value Returns a valid handle that the application passes to subsequent WinINet functions. If InternetOpen fails, it returns NULL. To retrieve a specific error message, call. Remarks InternetOpen is the first WinINet function called by an application.

It tells the Internet DLL to initialize internal data structures and prepare for future calls from the application. When the application finishes using the Internet functions, it should call to free the handle and any associated resources. The application can make any number of calls to InternetOpen, though a single call is normally sufficient. The application might need to define separate behaviors for each InternetOpen instance, such as different proxy servers configured for each. After the calling application has finished using the handle returned by InternetOpen, it must be closed using the function.

Like all other aspects of the WinINet API, this function cannot be safely called from within DllMain or the constructors and destructors of global objects.

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